寒い?暖かい? 2016-11-14 皆様、今日もお元気でお過ごしでしょうか? 山﨑です。 最近、急に寒くなりました。 先週はダウンを着ていたのですが・・・ ところが今日は、汗ばむぐらい暖かい一日でした。 いったい何を着て過ごせばいいのでしょう??? ぜひ、教えて下さい!!
Sign Up 2023年3月8日 1:06 PM I have read your article carefully and I agree with you very much. This has provided a great help for my thesis writing, and I will seriously improve it. However, I don’t know much about a certain place. Can you help me? Reply ↓
Luckycola 2023年12月16日 2:30 PM Immerse yourself in a gaming universe where legends are born Lucky cola Reply ↓
I have read your article carefully and I agree with you very much. This has provided a great help for my thesis writing, and I will seriously improve it. However, I don’t know much about a certain place. Can you help me?
Immerse yourself in a gaming universe where legends are born Lucky cola